Monday, April 6, 2009

My wife.... the burgeoning greenie.....

Been a couple of weeks since the last update / entry but been really busy in the garden. What with the "bad back" constantly troubling me these days it takes just so long to do anything and I mean little things like potting up plants.

I watch gardners world and the theme last year seemed as if it was Carol Klien telling everyone to divide and seperate garden plants. Well this year i've had my dear and long suffering wife dig up a big blousy american hosta who's leaves were at least 12" long by 8" wide and I spend a good few hours dividing them up with a hand chopping axe. I got 12 good pieces out of the one plant back in October 08 and at least 8 of them have started putting shoots out this week so I'm well chuffed.
Also at the weekend my wife got the spade out again and dug up a fern that had long gone past it's best by date and we divided that up into three pots so again I'm well chuffed with the ideas from Carol klien but more so from my wife who has no interest in gardening but who helps me in ways only she can and with enthusiasm as well. She even drives me to the Durham organic Gardening Association so I can get out a bit more. She knows how much I appreciate it as i often tell her that she is my life line to the world.

One other thing is she is becoming more green as each week goes by. By 2015 she will be planting seeds no doubt,lol.

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