Friday, October 17, 2008


Leading on from my welcome post........

Do we need to change? If so what do we need to change and why? I feel that we need to change the way we think and the way we behave to one another and the planet as a whole. We need to change the government as they seem to have lost the plot totally.

It's not just the money crisis or the meltdown of the stock market, the collapse of the banking infrastructure or the lack of services and higher taxes we pay but the insidious hidden things like massive legislation introduced by this government.
I've been driving for nearly 30 years and not put a foot wrong. In the last 3 months I have had 2 parking fines ( £60 each £30 if settled fast) and an £80 fine ( £40 is settled fast) by the dvla for not renewing my SORN on a car I'm rebuilding.

The parking fines were dished out when I was in Edinburgh and had broken down and I was waiting for a tow truck when the parking attendant slapped the fine on the car. The second was in my home town because I was 11 mm over a white line. Both appealed, the white line was rescinded.

The dvla one just had to be paid but in the past a notice used to be sent out much the same as the renewal papers for the tax disc. Not now, bang goes £40 quid. These type of stealth payments are making a lot of difference, I mean £40 is a fortnights food shopping for my wife and I.

Change to the way we treat the planet is also well over due. I remember in 1992 ( I think) Greenpeace said we had 8 years to change our thinking on global warming or it would be too late to reverse the changes.

Governments including ours looked the other way and ignored the likes of Greenpeace and now look at the trouble we are in and the dire predictions we are all facing in the future.

Maybe the global recession will be a good thing. Maybe it will bring us to our knees and then the ones who can grow their own food, feed their own animals and ride a bike will be one step ahead of the herd who will be running for the cliff top without the ability to turn right or left before the precipice looms.

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