Friday, October 17, 2008


Welcome to my blog.

Years ago, in the late 80's to be precise I was studying to be a professional photographer and the first digital photograph came on the scene. The one that I saw was a collage of a soldier outside a castle with a deep blue cloudy sky. All three shots, the soldier, the castle and the sky had been taken with a digital camera and merged by computer to make one.

There was uproar in photography circles and I devoutly stood up and proclaimed that I would NEVER EVER buy a digital camera and I would stay faithful to the medium of Black and white prints on expensive papers with many hours in the darkroom....... I bought a digital Camera all be it in 2003.

I also couldn't see the point of all this blogging palarkey! I mean who wants to read what jumped up self important little people want to say??

I've now got a blog so I guess I' m a blogger.... Ho hum......

I guess the reason for this retrospective is that times change and as we evolve in our day to day lives we see the benefits, the negativity's, the uses and the pitfalls of the fast evolving world we live in and maybe we want to try and change this ( for better or worse) or we want to make our mark in the world without designing a nuclear bomb or creating genocide or even "being a celebrity"

For me this blog will be of a green bent as I fear for my son and any children he may have in the future as we rape, pillage and destroy this world we live in. Time has come to change the way we live, the way we think, the way we behave and above all the way we link into the world of our fellow man.

I hope you enjoy reading my missives and find something of use in them. I can't guarantee I won't ramble on and on, be obnoxious, politically INcorrect or any other of a thousand traits I seem to have but I'll try to be good..... honest.


Anonymous said...

welcome to blogland! I too had some negative thoughts about blogs.. then started one - so can relate! I don't regret it - bet you don't either. nice to be able to read what you are up to. enjoy


Alan said...

Thank you red,

I used to think I was "special" and not mr average... i then came down to earth and realised we are all the same really, trying to fight the good fight and get by each and every day.

Rick and Pat said...

Hi, good blog, Id be interested in any tips on energy saving, and reducing electric usage. Ours is small but would like to get off grid if possible, but with no dosh for panels ect... its not happening yet.