Monday, December 15, 2008

What goes around comes around......

"The country faces grave economic difficulties and the likelihood of severe shortages. Unemployment, soaring food prices, chemically adulterated foods and the increasing dehumanisation of our society have all contributed to a growing awareness of the need to be more self reliant; to grow more of our own food and to make fewer demands on a state which can no longer cope with the needs of it's citizens......."

Seed companies have seen a 40% rise in vegetable seed sales in the last 2 years and a decrease in flower seeds.

Some Allotment sites have waiting lists up to 20 years long.

People don't trust government to keep them safe and healthy now.

which ever way you look at it people are starting to become scared of the future. I thought I was a bit weird when I decided on the road to be more self sufficient year on year but the more i read, the more I look on the net, the more I think about self sufficiency it makes realise that I'm not weird, I'm not on my own and I do have skills that can be of use in the 21st century. Skills that can't write computer codes or skills that can't make money on the stock market but skills that will enable my family and me eat, drink and be warm in a sheltered place. I'm scared of the future but hopefully I will be able to help others make the change if they want.

As for the opening statement which is so apt for today's society were actually written in 1975 as an editorial in the new magazine called practical self sufficiency later to be known as country small holding.

I was only 14 back in 1975 and although we lived in a poor household we were happy. We had patched up clothes and hand me downs although my mam never went as far as making me wear my sisters dresses but, if classed today, we were in a low socio economic bracket but we had food on the plate each night and fire in the hearth and we were happy.

Today, we are better off as food is plentifull and power is readily available for us although we have had hard times in the last 2 years and costs seem to go up all the time.

With the government spending all this money on Iraq and Afghanistan, the banks and city bail outs I can see it going back to the same way we were in the 70's only this time people will not be happy and unrest is possible.

You might discount these as ramblings of a madman but mark my words, mark my words.

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